Law School Database
The below list represents law schools that have shown their commitment to first-generation and marginalized students by generously supporting Barrier Breakers® Admissions Advising. Check out the provided resources for their programs and contact information!

Washington & Lee University School of Law
Explore our cutting-edge legal education and our close-knit community

William & Mary Law School
Our law school boasts a remarkable history as the nation's first law school and its mission of educating Citizen Lawyers.
Start Your W&M Law Journey:
Learn more about William & Mary’s vision, mission, and values. Meet Dean A. Benjamin Spencer. Learn about the new initiatives Dean Spencer has led to strengthen
William & Mary’s efforts to foster an equitable and inclusive environment.

Yale Law School
We are thrilled that you are interested in Yale Law School. The resources below will help you learn
more about our JD program, admissions process, and unique community.
Start Your Yale Law Journey:
Learn more about our financial aid policies in our 2023-2024 JD Financial Aid Handbook and
in this short video -
Listen to Navigating Law School Admissions with Miriam and Kristi