Recommended LSAT Tutors & Courses
The below list represents tutors and courses that our clients have connected with and seen success from. We will continue to update this list as appropriate.
Important Note: Neither our advisors nor Barrier Breakers® receives financial benefit for these recommendations. All of our advisors are members of the IECA, whose Principles of Good Practice prohibit receiving commissions or other payments for enrollment in or referrals to programs or vendors. What works for some students may not work for other students. Past success with other clients does not predict future success or success with you. Please contact them at your own convenience and after doing your own research.
Our go-to recommendation for an online asynchronous course is usually TestMasters. (We only vouch for their online asynchronous program.) Many of our students have found tremendous success with the structure and pacing of the program, as well as their online academic support.
However, it is a completely asynchronous course and the materials cannot be downloaded so if you prefer a live online course or more ability to get feedback, look at the other options instead.
Testmasters is a good option if you:
Naturally are good at standardized tests (SAT/ACT/AP)
Scored 150+ on your diagnostic exam
Have strong executive functioning skills (time management, focus, motivation)
Want a structured course with lessons and homework and are okay with less customization
Are okay with recorded videos instead of live classes
LSAT Lab is a good option if you:
Standardized tests have historically been difficult for you and/or you have issues with timing or other executive functioning skills (time management, focus, motivation)
Will have accommodations for learning or processing delays
Want to learn the basics of the test
Want the option of having live classes
Want the option of having a weekly tutor
LSAT Lab was founded on the belief that your tools for learning shouldn’t dictate how you work—you should dictate how they work. Their mission is to personalize learning and help students achieve higher scores. Students around the world use LSAT Lab to achieve higher scores, and they have great things to say.